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Why Does Boric Acid Suppository Cause Watery Discharge?

Why Does Boric Acid Suppository Cause Watery Discharge?

Boric acid suppositories have been used for decades by women as an alternative treatment for various vaginal infections. While many have found relief from their vaginal discomfort after using these suppositories, there is one surprising side effect: watery discharge. 

Ahead, we dive into the science behind boric acid suppositories to uncover how they affect the vaginal mucosa and why this watery discharge occurs. We will also discuss the benefits and downsides of using boric acid suppositories and when it might be time to see a doctor.

What Are Boric Acid Suppositories?

Boric acid is a naturally occurring compound derived from boron, which is found in plants, rocks, and water. It has been used for various purposes for more than a century, including as a pesticide, antiseptic, and eye wash.

In the context of vaginal health, boric acid is known for its ability to soothe vaginal infections, like bacterial vaginosis (BV), yeast infections, and trichomoniasis, and the uncomfortable symptoms that can come with them.

Simply put, boric acid suppositories are small bullet-shaped capsules filled with a boric acid solution. When inserted into the vagina, the solution is quickly absorbed and interacts with the vaginal mucosa, allowing it to fight off infection-causing bacteria and fungi.

Boric acid suppositories have certain properties that can help to fight off and kill microorganisms that cause infections. It works by supporting the vagina's pH level to create an environment that is unfavorable for the growth of yeast and bacteria.

If the vagina's pH level is balanced, it can naturally protect itself from infections. However, if the pH level is too high, it can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, leading to infections and other vaginal problems.

Why Do Boric Acid Suppositories Cause Watery Discharge?

Boric acid vaginal suppositories work by changing the pH level of the vagina, so it's normal to experience some discharge after using them. The watery discharge is actually a sign that the suppositories are working effectively. 

This discharge is a mixture of boric acid and vaginal fluids, which are being flushed out of the body. The consistency and amount of discharge can vary from person to person — some women may experience light discharge, while others may have more watery discharge.

Other Factors That Can Cause Watery Discharge

While boric acid suppositories are one of the common causes of watery discharge, there are other reasons why women may experience this type of discharge. 

For example, it can be a sign of ovulation, or it could be a side effect of medication. It can also be an indication of a sexually transmitted infection (STI), so it's important to pay attention to your body and get tested if you're experiencing any unusual symptoms. 

Some additional culprits behind watery vaginal discharge include:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress
  • Improper hygiene
  • Unprotected sex
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Unbalanced diet

How To Prevent Watery Discharge From Boric Acid

While it is perfectly normal to experience watery discharge after using boric acid suppositories, there are things you can do to minimize it. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Use the Suppositories as Directed

Follow the directions on the packaging and use the boric acid suppositories as directed. Overusing them can cause irritation and an increase in the amount of watery discharge.

Avoid Douching

Douching is never recommended — especially when using boric acid suppositories. This outdated practice can disrupt the delicate pH balance in the vagina and cause more discharge.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water can help to flush out the toxins in your body and can also help reduce watery discharge. It’s generally recommended to aim for eight glasses of water per day. 

Wear a Panty Liner or Sanitary Pad

To stay comfortable, you can use a panty liner or sanitary pad while using boric acid suppositories. These feminine care products can help absorb the excess discharge and keep you feeling fresh.

What Are the Benefits of Using Boric Acid Suppositories?

There are many benefits to using boric acid suppositories. There’s a reason they’re so highly recommended, after all!

Here are just a few benefits.

Quick Relief

One of the major advantages of using boric acid suppositories is that they can offer quick relief from uncomfortable symptoms associated with vaginal health problems like itching, burning, and irritation. When used correctly, boric acid suppositories can start relieving symptoms in as little as three days. 

Easy To Use

Another great benefit of using these coveted over-the-counter suppositories is that they are easy to use. All you have to do is insert one once per day for seven to 14 days (depending on the severity of your condition). Additionally, these suppositories come pre-filled with the correct dosage, so there's no guesswork involved when it comes to taking your medication. 

Safe and Natural

Boric acid suppositories — such as The Killer® — are made from 100 percent natural ingredients, so you don't have to worry about any harmful side effects. 

Soothing Relief

Finally, boric acid suppositories can help ease your uncomfortable symptoms, such as:

  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Smelly discharge
  • Burning

Pro Tip: To support vaginal health, pair boric acid with a female-friendly probiotic, such as our Good Girl Probiotics®. This shelf-stable vaginal probiotic is made with eight probiotic strains (most probiotics only contain one) to support vaginal health.*

What Are the Potential Side Effects?

Despite their reported benefits, boric acid suppositories are not without potential side effects.

Aside from watery discharge, some women may experience vaginal irritation, burning, or redness following the use of boric acid suppositories. This is usually mild and temporary but may cause discomfort. If the irritation persists or worsens, it's important to discontinue use and consult a healthcare provider.

Boric acid is toxic when ingested, so it's essential to store boric acid suppositories out of reach of children and pets. Accidental ingestion can lead to serious health complications, including kidney damage, seizures, and even death.

Pregnant women should not use boric acid suppositories, as they may pose risks to the developing fetus. If you're pregnant and experiencing vaginal infections, consult your healthcare provider for alternative treatment options.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
4,926 Reviews

The Killer® (Boric Acid Suppositories)

Supports a healthy vaginal environment
The Killer® (Boric Acid Suppositories)
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
7,557 Reviews

Good Girl Probiotics®

Helps balance your vaginal pH*
Good Girl Probiotics®

The Bottom Line

Boric acid suppositories are popular for their ability to address vaginal infections and ease uncomfortable symptoms. However, it's not uncommon for some women to experience watery discharge after using them. While it can be a little uncomfortable, it's actually a sign that the suppositories are working.

Understanding how boric acid suppositories work and the reasons behind watery discharge can help you prepare and prevent any discomfort. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider for medical advice — especially if you're experiencing any unusual symptoms or discomfort.

At Love Wellness, our vision is to create safer, more effective products to support women’s wellness, from the brain and the gut to the vagina. From probiotics and multivitamins to suppositories and Skincare for Down There™, we make it V simple to support your vaginal wellness.


Boric Acid General Fact Sheet | NPIC

Boric Acid Suppositories: Uses & Side Effects | Cleveland Clinic

Improving Your Health by Removing Toxins from Your Body | School of Medicine and Public Health

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
4,926 Reviews

The Killer® (Boric Acid Suppositories)

Supports a healthy vaginal environment
The Killer® (Boric Acid Suppositories)
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
7,557 Reviews

Good Girl Probiotics®

Helps balance your vaginal pH*
Good Girl Probiotics®

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