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How To Balance Your Vaginal pH

How To Balance Your Vaginal pH

Achieving and maintaining a balanced vaginal pH is one of the most important elements of vaginal health. In fact, an imbalance in vaginal pH levels can lead to discomfort, irritation, and an increased risk of infections. 

Luckily, there are ways you can restore and balance your vaginal pH, promoting a healthy and thriving environment. 

Join us as we dive into the causes of vaginal pH imbalance, explore the symptoms to watch out for, and provide practical tips on how to restore and maintain a balanced vaginal pH. By understanding the importance of pH balance and upgrading your routine, you can take control of your vaginal health and enjoy a sense of well-being and confidence.

First Things First, What Is pH Balance?

pH stands for "potential hydrogen," and it's a measure of the acidity of a solution. The pH scale ranges from zero to 14, with seven being neutral. A pH level below seven is known to be acidic, while a pH level above seven is considered alkaline or basic. 

Our bodies naturally maintain a particular pH balance to support various functions, and this balance can be affected by factors such as diet, medications, and personal hygiene.

When it comes to feminine health, the normal vaginal pH is generally between 3.8 and five, which is slightly acidic. This acidic environment can help prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria while supporting the growth of beneficial bacterial species, such as lactobacilli. 

These "good" bacteria produce lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, which help maintain the vagina's acidity and protect against infection.

Why Is pH Balance Important?

Maintaining the proper pH balance in the vagina is essential for a number of reasons:

  • It can prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria, which can lead to infection.
  • It can help keep the delicate balance of healthy bacteria intact, allowing for a healthy and functioning microbiome.
  • It can help protect the vagina from irritation, itching, and unpleasant odor.
  • It can help support natural lubrication, making intercourse more comfortable.
  • It can help reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Needless to say, maintaining the proper pH balance in your vagina is key for optimal health and comfort. 

So, What Disrupts pH Balance in the Vagina?

There are many things that can disrupt the pH balance in the vagina. Here are just a few potential culprits.

Poor Hygiene Practices

Inadequate or improper hygiene practices can disturb the natural vaginal pH. Overwashing with harsh soaps or using scented products can also strip away the protective acidic layer, leading to a pH imbalance. 

It's crucial to practice gentle cleansing using mild, unscented soaps, like our pH Balancing Cleanser™, and avoiding douches or feminine hygiene sprays that can disrupt the natural balance. If you suspect your pH might be off, you may also want to stop using tampons until you’ve successfully rebalanced your pH.

Hormonal Changes

Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as those occurring during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, can disrupt the vaginal pH balance. Changes in hormone levels can affect the vaginal environment, making it more susceptible to pH imbalance and associated infections.

It's important to maintain good overall health by managing hormonal fluctuations and seeking medical advice if needed.

Antibiotic Use

The use of antibiotics, while beneficial in treating various infections, can also disrupt the vaginal pH balance. Antibiotics don’t just kill bad bacteria — they also kill off healthy lactobacilli, leading to an overgrowth of other bacteria and an imbalance in the vaginal microbiome.

If you are prescribed antibiotics, consider taking a probiotic supplement, like Good Girl Probiotics®, to support a balanced vaginal pH, bacteria, and urinary tract health.*

Sexual Activity

Engaging in unprotected sex, especially with multiple partners, can introduce new bacteria into the vaginal area. This can disrupt the balance of bacteria and potentially interfere with the vagina’s pH.

Practicing safe sex, using barrier methods like condoms, and maintaining good hygiene before and after sexual activity can help minimize the risk.

Certain Medications or Health Conditions

Certain medications, such as steroids or immunosuppressants, can affect the vaginal pH balance. Additionally, certain health conditions like diabetes or a weakened immune system can contribute to pH imbalances and may even increase your likelihood of getting sick.

If you have a known health condition, we recommend working closely with your healthcare provider to manage them and discuss the potential impacts on vaginal health.

Is Your Vaginal pH Off Balance?

Although a balanced pH is incredibly important for vaginal health, it’s unfortunately all too easy for it to get out of balance. Here are a few sneaky signs that may indicate an imbalance:

  • Unusual vaginal odor: A strong or unpleasant odor, often described as fishy, can be a symptom of an unbalanced vaginal pH.
  • Abnormal discharge: Changes in vaginal discharge, such as increased or decreased discharge, changes in consistency, or an unusual color (like gray, green, or yellow), may indicate pH imbalance. Abnormal discharge could also indicate a sexually transmitted disease (STD), so you should see your gynecologist about any changes in discharge.
  • Itching and irritation: Persistent itchiness, redness, or general irritation in the vaginal area can be signs of an imbalanced pH.
  • Burning or stinging sensation: A burning sensation during urination or general discomfort in the vaginal area can occur when the pH balance is disrupted. Burning during urination could indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI).
  • Vaginal dryness: Decreased lubrication and a sense of dryness in the vaginal area can be indicative of pH imbalance.
  • Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse:pH imbalance can lead to increased sensitivity, discomfort, or pain during sexual activity.
  • Recurrent yeast infections: An imbalanced pH can create a favorable environment for yeast overgrowth, leading to recurrent vaginal yeast infections characterized by itching, swelling, and a thick, white discharge.
  • Bacterial vaginosis: pH imbalance can make the vagina more susceptible to bacterial overgrowth, leading to vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis, and its associated symptoms, like abnormal discharge and odor.

If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, it's best to seek medical advice. Your healthcare provider may recommend an at-homevaginal pH test kit to determine if your vaginal pH is off.

How Can You Rebalance Your Vaginal pH?

If you have an imbalanced vaginal pH, there are a few ways you can restore balance and improve your overall health. If you still have symptoms of imbalanced vaginal pH after trying these steps, then you may want to consult your OB/GYN.

Keep Your Vagina Clean Without Douching

One of the most common myths about maintaining a healthy vaginal pH is that douching is necessary. However, the vagina is self-cleaning, and douching can actually upset the delicate balance of the vaginal pH and cause harm. 

So, how should you keep your vagina clean? Simply stick to warm water and a gentle cleanser like our pH Balancing Cleanser™. That's all you need! Douching can cause dryness, irritation, and a pH imbalance. 

Pro Tip: Need a quick refresh on the go? Try our pH Balancing Wipes™, which can help you stay clean without compromising your delicate pH.

Wear Breathable Underwear

Wearing tight clothing made of synthetic materials can also cause a pH imbalance. Synthetic clothing material can trap heat and moisture in your vaginal area, leading to bacterial overgrowth and yeast infections. 

Instead, choose cotton underwear and breathable clothing made of natural fibers. This can help to keep you cool, dry, and comfortable.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Your diet can have a major impact on your vaginal health. Eating fermented foods that contain probiotics can help to maintain a normal balance of good bacteria in your gut and vagina. 

Additionally, eating a wholesome diet that is rich in leafy green vegetables and whole grains can help to keep your pH levels in check.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is essential for healthy vaginal pH. It can help keep your body clear of toxins and waste products, keeping your vagina healthy and clean. 

Staying hydrated can also help to keep your vaginal tissues soft, moist, and flexible, which is essential for healthy reproductive function.

Wrap Up

Maintaining a balanced vaginal pH is crucial for your reproductive health and well-being. Keeping your vagina clean, wearing breathable underwear, eating a balanced diet, and drinking plenty of water can all help keep you comfortable down there.

By following these tips, you can help to keep your vaginal pH in check and avoid discomfort or infections. 


pH Scale | U.S. Geological Survey

Vaginal pH Value for Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Vaginitis | PMC

Vaginal pH and Microbicidal Lactic Acid When Lactobacilli Dominate the Microbiota | PLOS ONE

Vaginal pH | FDA

Should You Take Probiotics for Vaginal Health? | Cleveland Clinic

Changes in the Vagina and Vulva, Sexual Side Effects of Menopause | The North American Menopause Society

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