Why Is It Hard To Focus? Reasons Why and How To Help It

Why Is It Hard To Focus? Reasons Why and How To Help It

If you often find yourself wondering, "why can't I focus," you're in the right place. Today we're going to look at six reasons why it's hard to focus and how you can help improve your ability to stay on task throughout the day. These strategies are tried-and-true, but it's important to keep in mind that everyone is different, and what works for your bestie may not work for you. 

In other words, if you can't seem to find focus after exploring a new technique, simply move on to the next one. So, without further ado, here are some reasons why it can be difficult to focus:

1. The World Is Full of Distractions.

The world is full of distractions, making it especially difficult to focus on the task at hand. Research suggests that quite a few Americans suffer from ADHD, and they often deal with difficulty focusing and attentiveness. Plus, there is an abundance of external influences that make it especially difficult to concentrate, like multitasking (more on this later).

With so many factors influencing our attention span, how do we find a way to focus? One study found that ADHD patients who were given medication showed improvement in focus after 30 days, but this isn't always the best option for everyone. 

Some other helpful techniques for enhancing your ability to concentrate include: 

  • Turning off all notifications
  • Avoiding screens and social media (even if you only use them for 20 minutes)
  • Prioritizing your work schedule
  • Organizing your tasks by importance

To focus well, know your mental health status and give yourself some time to process stress. Consider relaxation exercises, therapy sessions, or even cognitive behavioral therapy.

2. We Have Shorter Attention Spans.

Today, with so much information and content out there, we have shorter attention spans

Without realizing it, we constantly jump from one idea to the next without ever finishing anything. Plus, the world is moving faster than ever before; the amount of time we spend on a task has decreased while our ability to multitask has increased. Studies show that this can lead to a lack of focus and mental health issues which can cause even more problems. 

If you feel overwhelmed or stressed, take some time for yourself by going for a walk, doing yoga, or meditating. You could also support your smartest organ with a probiotic supplement — like Big Brain Probiotics

This powerful blend of probiotics and nootropics helps support cognitive health and brain function while maintaining a healthy mood and sense of calm.* What's not to love?

3. Technology Affects Our Ability To Focus.

A few years ago, a study found that participants who used Facebook for 30 minutes or more were less able to focus on a task. The connection between technology and lack of focus is an ongoing concern as our society becomes more tech-based. 

Studies have shown that simply using social media can cause your mind to wander and lose focus — and may contribute to brain fog, too. The effects of this are not only related to mental health but may also be linked to physical health as well. According to experts, people who have trouble focusing at work often report experiencing more stress in their life, too. 

What's more, stress itself is known to turn into a lack of focus because it produces hormones like cortisol, which inhibit cognitive function. Fortunately, stress management strategies like exercise, mindfulness practices, and relaxation techniques have been proven to reduce stress levels and, in turn, help improve the ability to focus.

4. You’re Trying To Multitask.

Let's be honest — we all try to multitask in our day-to-day lives from time to time, but did you know that this purported skill can lead to a lack of focus and even take a toll on our mental health and mental energy? 

Multitasking may seem like a great way to be productive, but it can lead to difficulty concentrating, poor work performance, and an overall lack of concentration. Luckily for us, there are a few things we can do to stop multitasking and become way more productive:

  • Get enough sleep
  • Create a to-do list of daily workday priorities to minimize procrastination
  • Reduce or eliminate outside distractions
  • Be prepared to say no
  • Take a 5-minute break when your mind wanders
  • Keep workspaces tidy and organized
  • Be aware of your multitasking habits
  • Practice time management, like the Pomodoro technique
  • Consider apps that block distractions to stay on track

5. You're Sleep-Deprived.

More often than not, we have trouble focusing on our work or other tasks due to not getting enough quality Zzzs. Lack of sleep adversely alters your brain cells' ability to communicate with each other. This, in turn:

  • Impairs memory
  • Negatively impacts mood, and may exacerbate mental health conditions or adult ADHD
  • Breaks focus
  • Impairs overall mental performance due to tiredness 

To give your brain the support it needs to concentrate throughout the day, opt for seven to nine hours of shut-eye each night. Can't sleep? Try Sleeping Beauty — a snoozy blend of natural ingredients like melatonin, magnesium, and valerian root to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.* 

Simply take one or two capsules before it's time to go to sleep and let the sweet dreams roll.

6. You Don't Take Breaks.

One of the most common reasons people don't take breaks is that they're too focused on the task at hand. However, while it may seem that being more focused on your work is a good thing, it can actually be a bad thing (we know *gasp*). 

Plus, according to research, taking purposeful breaks (anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour) to refresh your noggin can actually increase your energy, productivity, and — drum roll, please — ability to focus

Need some energizing break inspo? Here are a few ideas:

  • Reconnect with nature
  • Take a walk
  • Listen to music
  • Hop in the shower
  • Have sex
  • Stretch
  • Practice deep breathing
  • Phone a friend
  • Throw an impromptu dance party
  • Take a quick cat nap
  • Meditate

The Bottom Line

So, why is it hard to focus, you ask? 

To be honest, there are a ton of reasons why you may find it difficult to concentrate, but common culprits include sleep deprivation, multitasking, and too much screen time. Fortunately, there are many things you can do that may help improve your ability to focus — such as taking Big Brain Probiotics

This incredible noggin-boosting supplement is made with clinically studied ingredients like Lactobacillus Plantarum DR7 and Acetyl-L-carnitine to help support a healthy mood while keeping your mind and memory sharp.*

Here at Love Wellness, we’ve been there too. That's why we've created innovative supplements like Big Brain Probiotics to help. Whether you're on a mission to find focus or simply looking to boost concentration, we've got you covered. 

Check us out today and improve your ability to focus tomorrow. 


Data and Statistics About ADHD | CDC

A Quality Improvement Initiative to Improve Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Follow-Up Rates Using School-Based Telemedicine | Pub Med

Abundance of information narrows our collective attention span | EurekAlert

Why Multitasking Doesn’t Work | Cleveland Clinic

Impact Of Social Media On Our Attention Span And Its Drastic Aftermath | Countercurrents

Yoga: Fight stress and find serenity | Mayo Clinic

The Neuroprotective Aspects of Sleep | PMC

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