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Why Am I So Gassy?

Why Am I So Gassy?

Whether you call it burping, tooting, breaking wind, or farting, we all pass gas.

In fact, most healthy people do it pretty frequently during the day. That said, if the gas is accompanied by pain or a lot of discomfort, it could be a sign that something else is going on in your body.

Interested in learning more? Read on as we explore the many possible culprits behind your excessive gassiness and what you can do to find relief.

How Much Gas Is Too Much?

Here’s the deal — gas is 100 percent normal.

It’s a part of your digestion, and everyone has it. In fact, studies indicate that most folks pass gas between eight and 14 times a day, with some tooting as much as 25 times a day.

With that in mind, it’s important to note that there are no official medical guidelines defining the normal volume or frequency of flatulence.

In other words, you’re probably the best person to assess your symptoms and judge how much gas is too much. But if you feel like you’ve got more gas than what you’re used to — you may want to get to the bottom of what’s causing it. This is especially true if your excessive gassiness is accompanied by pain.

Other typical symptoms commonly associated with too much gas include:

  • Burping (aka belching) — a release of gas from your stomach through your mouth
  • Cramps — pain in the abdomen
  • Distention — an observable increase in the size of your belly

Bloating is also super common when dealing with a lot of gas. Fortunately, this uncomfortable symptom is no match for Bye Bye Bloat — a gentle formula designed to ease discomfort and promote healthy digestion.*

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What Are the Most Common Culprits of Excessive Gas?

Although many things can cause gas, the most common culprits behind gas in excess include:

Swallowed Air

Everyone swallows a little bit of air when drinking and eating. Swallowed air — or aerophagia — that doesn’t leave your stomach via burping may cruise over to your intestines and pass through your anus (aka flatulence).

The more air you swallow, the more gas you may produce. People tend to swallow more air when they:

  • Drink carbonated or fizzy drinks like soda pop
  • Smoke
  • Eat or drink too fast
  • Chew gum
  • Suck on hard candy, such as lollipops and peppermints
  • Wear loose-fitting dentures

Normal Digestive Processes

More often than not, if gas isn’t a result of swallowed air, it’s likely due to your digestion.

The itty-bitty critters that live in your gut and small intestine create many different gasses (like hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and sometimes even methane) as they break down foods — and your body releases these gasses in the form of a toot.

Who Might Get Intestinal Gas?

The short and sweet answer? Everybody. Gas is a fact of life, and as mentioned earlier — everyone does it.

That said, some people who have trouble digesting certain carbohydrates may experience more digestive upset than others after consuming certain foods or drinks. Common issues digesting carbs include:

  • Dietary fructose intolerance occurs when the cells on the surface of your intestines aren’t able to break down fructose efficiently.
  • Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest sugar (aka lactose) in dairy products fully.

Other things that may make you produce a little too much gas for comfort include:

  • Dietary choices, such as a diet rich in gas-producing foods and high-fiber foods such as beans, lentils, onions, brussels sprouts, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli.
  • Digestive problems, such as celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroesophageal reflux disease, and Crohn’s disease. People with diabetes and scleroderma may also experience digestive upset.
  • Medications that slow down the digestive tract, such as certain antibiotics, antidepressants, and an anti-diabetes agent called acarbose.
  • Supplements that speed up the digestive tract, such as laxatives and high-fiber supplements. Coffee is also known to stimulate the bowels.
  • Intestinal bacteria help digestion by fermenting some of the food components you eat. This fermentation process produces gas which is partially absorbed into the bloodstream and breathed out and partially transported through the bowel.

When Should You Seek Medical Advice?

If you’ve been especially gassy lately, there’s usually no cause for concern as it’s likely just due to swallowed air or your normal digestive processes.

However, if you experience any of the symptoms below in addition to your gas, you could have an intestinal gas problem and should contact your healthcare provider for testing.

  • Chronic or sudden onset of diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Foul-smelling gas
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting

To get to the bottom of your gas, a clinician may ask you to keep a food diary to see if certain ingredients make you gassy. That said, excessive gas can be a sign of a health problem, so your doc may request one or more of the following tests before recommending treatment:

  • Blood tests are used to detect certain conditions that are known to cause more gas, like celiac disease, for example.
  • Breath tests — such as a hydrogen breath test — are used to identify abnormal bacterial growth in the intestine and lactose intolerance.
  • Gastrointestinal tract exams (aka an upper GI test or barium swallow) are commonly used for patients who burp a lot.
  • Colon screenings allow your GP to view all of the large intestines to help identify digestive disorders and certain cancers.

Any Tips To Combat Gas?

As a matter of fact, we have quite a few! Here are some of the best tips and tricks to combat excessive gas:

Tip #1: Exercise Regularly

Believe it or not, regular exercise might be the answer to kicking your excess gas to the curb. It may also stimulate your digestive system, which could help with other issues, such as belly bloat and constipation.

Tip #2: Avoid Triggers

Everyone knows the importance of eating fiber, but nosh on too much of it, and you may experience digestive upset — aka, lots of gas.

Of course, a healthy balanced diet is unlikely to cause any long-term issues. However, any dietary changes can lead to short-term gas while the body adjusts to the new foods.

With this in mind, consider adding new healthy foods to your diet at a slow and easy pace. Keep a food journal on hand to help you identify possible food culprits and steer clear of known triggers to keep your gas down to a minimum.

Tip #3: Take Probiotics

To get rid of “bad” gas-producing bacteria and support the “good” guys in your gut, we suggest taking a good quality probiotic like Gut Feelings Probiotics. This innovative probiotic and prebiotic formula supports gut bacteria’s entire life cycle to promote healthy gut function and digestion.*

Probiotics promote regularity while supporting good digestive health and should leave you feeling less gassy. In other words, if excessive gassiness is plaguing your life, probiotics are the way to go.

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Gut Feelings Probiotics®

Supports calm digestion and a strong gut wall lining*
Gut Feelings Probiotics®

Bottom Line

So, what’s the deal with excessive gassiness, you ask?

In short, your excessive gassiness is likely a result of one of two things: swallowed air or your normal digestion. Fortunately, a great probiotic like Gut Feelings Probiotics and regular exercise just might be all you need to get your gas in check.

At Love Wellness, we’re on a mission to provide top-quality female-friendly products to the masses. Whether you’re dealing with excess gas, period poops, or belly bloat, you can always count on us to have just what you need to feel your best!


Gas and Gas Pain: Causes, Symptoms, Management & Prevention | Cleveland Clinic

Symptoms & Causes of Gas in the Digestive Tract | NIDDK

Gas and Bloating | PMC

Flatulence: Everything You Wanted to Know About Farting | Houston Methodist On Health

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4,948 Reviews

Bye Bye Bloat®

Step 1 in Bye Bye Bloat® Depuff and Sculpt Routine
Bye Bye Bloat®
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
1,600 Reviews

Gut Feelings Probiotics®

Supports calm digestion and a strong gut wall lining*
Gut Feelings Probiotics®

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