Supports immunity and maintains normal Candida balance.*
What we're made of
Healthy V® Vitamin is made with clinically studied ingredients that have been carefully selected by our team of doctors.
Turmeric root extract
Garlic root bulb extract
A highly potent herb that supports bacteria balance in the gut.*
Grapefruit seed extract
Helps maintain healthy bacteria.*
Enhances the body's absorption of curcumin, a powerful antioxidant found in turmeric.*
Coconut oil
Contains monolaurin, a fatty acid with antimicrobial and antifungal effects.*
What we're made of
Healthy V® Vitamin is made with clinically studied ingredients that have been carefully selected by our team of doctors.
What we never include
Our supplements are made without these all-too-common ingredients because we believe they belong nowhere near your wellness routine.
We don't believe sugar supports your well-being, so we never include it in our supplements. You deserve real solutions you can trust for your body, not candy masked as wellness.
We don't believe syrups (sugar hiding as a different ingredient) support your wellness goals, so we don't include them in our supplements. Prioritize results over sweetness by skipping the candy and choosing our capsules.
FD+C dyes have no place in supplements (or food in general). Skip colorful, candy-like supplement formats and choose our capsules every time.
We firmly believe that artificial flavors do not contribute to well-being. That's why we do not include them in our products. Our supplements are made as capsules, not candy, because we believe you deserve real solutions you can trust for your body.
Healthy V® Vitamin vs. Them
How do I take Healthy V® Vitamin?
Take 1 tablet daily, preferably in the morning with a meal to help with absorption.
We recommend taking Healthy V® Vitamin in the morning, but it's okay to take Healthy V® Vitamin at another time of day if that works for you and your regimen.
How does Healthy V® Vitamin work in balancing Candida yeast?
Candida is a naturally occurring microorganism found throughout the body, including the vaginal tract. The ingredients in Healthy V® Vitamin help support balanced levels of vaginal Candida yeast throughout the body at the cellular level.
Happy body = happy vagina.
Is the Healthy V® Vitamin the same as a multivitamin?
Healthy V® Vitamin is a supplement, not a multivitamin. A multivitamin contains a variety of vitamins and minerals for overall health, whereas Healthy V® Vitamin is a supplement geared towards balancing levels of Candida yeast in the body.
My Healthy V® Vitamins arrived, and the tablets look slightly different in color than usual - is this normal?
Yes! Slight changes in pigment are totally normal and expected. Since we use ingredients at Love Wellness that are seasonally sourced, depending on the time, weather, and environment, there can be a slight change in the color and texture from batch to batch of our Healthy V® Vitamin tablets. Especially due to the turmeric in the formula, tablet’s color can range from a brick red color, to a more burnt orange. This won’t affect how well the product works, and your bottle is totally safe to consume!
How quickly does Healthy V® Vitamin work?
How quickly Healthy V® Vitamin works depends on everyone's unique body, health, genetics, diet, etc., therefore everyone will respond slightly differently to Healthy V® Vitamin. It can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks before you see lasting results.
Expert recommendations
You'll love what we're made of™
We work with doctors and follow the science (not trends) to make breakthrough solutions to age-old women’s health issues—and you’ll feel the difference.
Your vaginal, gut, and hormonal health are connected to your incredible microbiome. We give it what it loves, so it can lovingly support the rest of you.
We prioritize clinically studied ingredients, mandate third party safety testing and purity testing, and practice ingredient traceability.
Feeling good isn’t too much to ask for—it’s your right. We’re determined to raise the bar for women’s wellness, once and for all, and get you on your way to feeling great.