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How To Get Rid of Redness on Your Face (Plus 4 Possible Causes)

How To Get Rid of Redness on Your Face (Plus 4 Possible Causes)

Ever peer into the mirror and notice that your complexion looks a little flushed? Facial redness is one of those mysteries that can leave many of us frustrated and confused. But don't worry — it happens to the best of us. 

Facial redness results from the body's natural response to protect itself against harm. Characterized by spidery blood vessels, thickened and uneven skin around the nose, or flushed cheeks, your complexion becomes red when blood vessels dilate. This means more blood rushes to the capillaries under your skin, giving it a red appearance. 

While facial redness can look different from person to person, it's often accompanied by:

  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Swelling
  • Dryness
  • Patchiness

What Causes a Red Face?

Waking up with a red face, blotchiness, and sensitivity is undoubtedly alarming. It's uncomfortable. And we'll be honest — the cause of facial redness isn't always clear, making it especially challenging to treat. With this in mind, here are some common causes that could be behind your red face:

1. Dry Skin

First up on the list of potential culprits that can be behind your facial redness is none other than dry skin — a common symptom that can give the skin a flushed, red appearance. 

According to experts, nearly everyone has dry skin by 60 years of age. In other words, it's pretty common! 

If you're one of the many who have dry skin, you might also notice:

  • Thickened skin on your nose
  • Visible blood vessels
  • Red bumps (or pimples) that could be filled with pus
  • Eye irritation
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Fine lines and wrinkles

2. Skin Flushing

Not to get confused with blushing, which is a perfectly normal body response that may happen when you’re experiencing a strong emotion like embarrassment or anger, skin flushing is a result of increased blood flow that can sometimes cause an angry-looking rash on your skin. So, what causes flushed skin? 

Truth be told, there are quite a few things that can leave your face looking flushed, but here are some of the most common culprits:

  • Hot or spicy foods
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Certain drugs and medications 
  • Exercise

For most people, a flushed face isn’t typically a cause for concern, but for others, it may indicate an underlying health condition — particularly if they experience other symptoms (think fever, head cold, nausea, etc.) at the same time. Contact your primary healthcare provider if you experience skin flushing on the reg that occurs alongside pain.

3. Harsh Weather

Next up, we have harsh weather, which can quickly turn your face into a flaky, red mess. 

When it’s very windy outside, the skin’s natural oils (sebum) get stripped away from the cold, dry air. As a result, you may get a windburn — a condition that describes painful skin inflammation. 

On the other hand, especially warm temperatures can aggravate the skin to increase blood flow, triggering a red complexion that can sometimes be hot to the touch. 

4. Harsh Skincare Ingredients

While skincare products have the power to soothe redness and ease irritation, they can also be the cause of irritation — especially if you have an ill-fitting skincare routine. 

Exfoliating ingredients like retinol, over-the-counter retinoids, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and scrubs can cause redness as they exfoliate the skin.

Typically, this redness goes away on its own as your skin adjusts. However, if you have sensitive skin or a dry skin type, these ingredients can cause redness or flare-ups of chronic skin conditions.

Exfoliants can also be a problem if you use them too much. Over-exfoliation can strip away your skin barrier, leading to dry and irritated skin.

What Are Some Tips To Combat Facial Redness?

Now that you understand what can cause facial redness, let's go over how to get rid of redness on your face. Although there are many things you can do, here are our favorite tips to soothe an angry complexion:

1. Be Sun Smart

Rain or shine, you should always be wearing sunscreen — especially if you experience facial redness due to weather changes. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 and limit sun exposure.

2. Steer Clear of Fragrances

If you have sensitive skin (or even dry skin) that reacts to harsh chemicals and strong fragrances, swap out your topical skincare products (think cleansers, lotions, and toners) for ones that are hypoallergenic and fragrance-free.

3. Soothe With Aloe Vera

When skin redness, irritation, and itchiness strike, fight back with hydrating aloe vera — mother nature's natural moisturizer. The components in this natural remedy soothe the skin while promoting cell regeneration to help it heal faster. You can also combine this with other soothing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and ceramides.

4. Adjust Your Diet

Ridding your face of redness can be as easy as making simple changes to your diet. Here are some of the best foods to nosh on to support a healthy complexion:

  • Veggies like cucumbers, broccoli, and kale
  • Fruit like berries, papaya, and mango
  • Spices like turmeric and coriander
  • Nuts like walnuts, almonds, and pistachios
  • Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna

Note: Spicy foods are often found at the root of facial redness, so if your face becomes flushed after enjoying a spicy dish, you may want to consider reducing these foods from your diet. 

5. Take Probiotics

Believe it or not, probiotics have the amazing ability to rebuild and strengthen the skin's protective barrier. While it's true that skin can repair itself after being damaged, a good probiotic supplement may help to speed up the healing process. 

Not sure where to find a quality probiotic to add to your daily supplement lineup? We recommend Clear Skin Probiotics — our shelf-stable formula that has been clinically tested to clear acne†, improve skin pores, reduce redness, and support your gut-skin connection.* Simply take one capsule a day and rest easy knowing that your skin is getting the support it needs to thrive. 

Pro Tip: For extra skin-boosting support, pair Clean Skin Probiotics with Good to Glow — a vitamin A and vitamin E skin-loving combo that provides incredible anti-aging benefits while brightening the skin and protecting against free radicals.* What's not to love? 

The Final Word

And there you have it — everything you need to know about facial redness and how to kick it to the curb. 

Whether you're dealing with acne, sunburn, hot flashes, or something else, the tips listed above can help calm your complexion. But if your redness or rash doesn't seem to be improving after about a week or two, you may want to consider reaching out to a dermatologist who can get to the bottom of your facial redness and advise treatment. 

At Love Wellness, we provide expert care from people who have been there. Try our clean solutions for when your body needs a little extra love.

Ready to put yourself first? Check us out today!


Dry skin: Who gets and causes | AAD

A Complete Guide on How to Treat Windburn | Health Pages

Treating Winter Rosacea | University of Utah Health

Skin blushing/flushing | MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

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