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6 Remedies to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor

6 Remedies to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor

Your body is wonderfully unique, from the color of your hair all the way down to your unique vaginal microbiome. Everyone with a vagina has a microbiome, which is perfectly balanced to keep harmful bacteria out and good bacteria in. In women, this balance can sometimes be disturbed, leading to symptoms like a fishy vaginal odor. 

Don't worry, though, because we have you covered with six home remedies to address this issue healthily and gently. If problems persist, however, consult a healthcare provider, as a fishy odor could be a sign of an underlying condition like bacterial vaginosis or a sexually transmitted infection.

What Causes a Fishy Vaginal Odor?

One common cause of a fishy smell is an overgrowth of certain bacteria in the vaginal area, particularly a type called Gardnerella vaginalis. This condition is known as bacterial vaginosis (BV), and can be triggered by factors such as poor hygiene, douching, or hormonal imbalances.

Another possible cause of fishy odor is the presence of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) called trichomoniasis. This infection can lead to an unpleasant odor accompanied by itching, burning, and discharge.

How Can You Address a Fishy Odor?

When it comes to addressing a fishy odor down there, there are many ways you can support your vaginal health. Here are a few tried-and-true solutions.

1. Maintain Proper Hygiene

The first step towards eliminating any unpleasant odor is maintaining proper hygiene. Clean your genital area gently with unscented soap and water during your daily bath. 

It’s important to remember that douching or using scented feminine hygiene products can disrupt the vaginal flora and pH balance, potentially worsening things. So, stick with mild, unscented soap or a pH Balancing Cleanser™ and warm water.

2. Wear Cotton Underwear

When it comes to underwear, choose cotton! This breathable fabric allows air to circulate and helps prevent the growth of bacteria that could lead to an unpleasant odor. 

Synthetic materials can trap heat and moisture, making an ideal environment for smelly bacteria. 

3. Stay Hydrated

Water is the key to overall body health, including your vagina. Staying hydrated ensures that your body can properly cleanse itself, reducing the chance of odor. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

Pro Tip: Bored of regular ‘ol drinking water? Jazz it up with a squeeze of fresh lemon or a pinch of mint. 

4. Garlic

Garlic is renowned for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Including garlic in your diet can help combat unhealthy microbes in your body. 

While directly applying it is unnecessary, you can incorporate it into your diet by using it as a seasoning or garnish.

5. Yogurt

Including yogurt in your diet can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy vaginal environment. Yogurt contains live cultures of lactobacilli, which are beneficial bacteria that help prevent the overgrowth of odor-causing bacteria in the vagina. 

Choose plain, unsweetened yogurt with live and active cultures, and incorporate it into your meals or enjoy it as a snack.

6. Probiotic Suppositories

If you’d rather put your probiotics right at the source of the problem, opt for our Flora Power™ Vaginal Probiotic Suppositories. These suppositories contain probiotics that are specifically chosen to help restore balance to your vagina. Plus, they bypass the digestive system, so you can know for sure that all of those probiotics are going straight to your vaginal microbiome.

How Can You Prevent a Fishy Odor?

Preventative care is important for every aspect of health, from daily dental hygeine to warming up before a workout. It's no different when it comes to maintaining a healthy, balanced vaginal environment. 

By adopting certain strategies and lifestyle changes, you can help keep your body's ecosystem balanced and prevent fishy odor.

Probiotic-Rich Diet

Probiotics are wonderful for maintaining your gut health, but did you know they're great for vaginal health too? Foods rich in probiotics like yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut help support healthy bacterial balance in your body, including your vagina. 

These foods help promote the growth of lactobacilli, a type of bacteria that can combat unhealthy microbes and maintain the vagina's pH balance.

Pro Tip: You can also get your daily dose of probiotics from a supplement instead. Good Girl Probiotics® is a supplement that can support a balanced vaginal pH, bacteria, and urinary tract health.*

Regular Exercise

Exercise isn't just good for your heart and muscles but also for your vaginal health. Regular physical activity helps support your circulation, ensuring your reproductive organs are well-nourished. 

Remember to quickly change out of sweaty workout clothes to prevent moisture build-up.

Avoid Perfumed Products

While it might be tempting to mask the vaginal odor with perfumes or fragranced products, this can actually exacerbate the problem. Fragrances can irritate and disrupt the delicate balance of your vaginal flora, leading to worsened odor.

Instead, opt for fragrance-free personal hygiene products and laundry detergents to maintain the natural pH balance and health of your vagina.

Manage Stress Levels

High stress levels can negatively affect your body, including your vaginal health. Chronic stress can disrupt hormonal balance and weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections and odor. 

Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as practicing yoga, meditation, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Taking care of your mental well-being can contribute to a healthier vaginal environment.

Avoid Tight-Fitting Clothes

Wearing tight-fitting clothing, especially around the groin area, can trap moisture and heat, creating an environment conducive to bacterial growth and odor. 

Opt for loose-fitting clothing, especially when engaging in physical activities or being in hot weather, to allow air circulation and prevent excessive sweating. Breathable fabrics like cotton are ideal for maintaining proper ventilation and reducing the risk of fishy odor.

Use pH-Balanced Products

You can protect your delicate balance of bacteria by using pH-balanced cleansers (like our pH Balancing Cleanser™) that are specifically designed for the intimate area. These cleansers help maintain the natural pH balance of the vagina, which is crucial for a healthy environment and discourages the growth of odor-causing bacteria.

Keep It Dry

It’s important to quickly change out of wet clothing, especially swimwear or sweaty workout attire. Moisture can create a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to unpleasant odors. By changing into dry, breathable clothing, you can minimize the risk of bacterial overgrowth.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is another key aspect of vaginal health. Water helps flush out toxins and maintains overall body hydration, including the vaginal area. A well-hydrated body supports healthy bodily functions, including the maintenance of vaginal pH levels.

A Final Word

Maintaining a healthy vaginal environment is crucial for preventing fishy odor. By following good hygiene practices, wearing breathable clothing, managing stress levels, and avoiding scented products, you can support a balanced vaginal ecosystem. 

Additionally, incorporating a probiotic-rich diet and regular exercise can further support vaginal health. Remember, consult a healthcare professional if problems persist or worsen, as they may indicate an underlying condition. Prioritize your well-being and enjoy a fresh and odor-free experience.

At Love Wellness, we are dedicated to providing resources and products that support women's vaginal health. Our line of supplements and suppositories can help you maintain a healthy and happy vaginal environment. 

Take charge of your well-being, and trust us to help you feel your best!


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