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10 Easy-to-Digest Foods To Include in Your Diet

10 Easy-to-Digest Foods To Include in Your Diet

Eating healthy can seem like an overwhelming task, especially if you don't know where to start or what foods to include in your diet. It's important to remember that every individual is different, and some foods that are easy for one person to digest may be difficult for another. 

That said, there are some foods that are generally easier on the digestive system than others. With this in mind, here are 10 easy-to-digest options you may want to consider adding to your daily routine.


Yogurt is a great source of probiotics, which help support the good bacteria in your digestive tract. Be sure to look for low-fat yogurt that contains live cultures, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium bifidum, since these strains have been linked to smooth digestion

Not a fan of eating plain yogurt? Try blending it with fresh fruit or adding it to smoothies!

Just keep in mind that incorporating probiotics into your diet might lead to some discomfort and cramping at first. This is just your body adjusting! If your discomfort persists, see your primary healthcare provider to identify other potential digestive problems.

Also, remember to avoid yogurt with artificial sweeteners. These may disrupt the gut microbiome, which can contribute to symptoms like constipation, heartburn, and abdominal pain.

If you’re lactose intolerant, you may need to avoid yogurt or use digestive enzymes to help your digestive system break it down. If you think you may be lactose intolerant, it’s important to discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider before adding digestive enzymes to your routine.


Kefir is a fermented milk product that is similar to yogurt but with even more beneficial probiotics. It's typically easy on digestion and can help support balance in the gut microbiome. 

Kefir is also a great source of vitamins such as:

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • B vitamins

 Plus, probiotics can help with bloating and indigestion.

Try adding a cup of kefir to your breakfast for an extra serving of probiotics. Or you can use it as a base for smoothies and shakes for a delicious and nutritious treat.

Pro Tip: Give these fermented foods a boost with our Gut Feelings Probiotics™ — a blend of probiotics to support healthy gut function, digestion, and immunity.*


Sauerkraut is another delicious and nutritious way to get your daily dose of probiotics. This fermented cabbage is loaded with beneficial bacteria, which can help keep your digestive system running smoothly.

Add sauerkraut to salads or sandwiches for a punch of flavor and nutrition — or try it as a side dish with any meal for an extra hit of probiotics.


Applesauce is a great way to get the benefits of apples without having to chew them! This sweet treat contains both soluble and insoluble fibers, which can help keep things moving in your gut. Plus, apples are loaded with antioxidants that may support digestive health.

For an extra dose of nutrition, try making your own applesauce at home with freshly picked apples. While it takes a little extra time, there’s nothing like the taste of fresh, hot applesauce!

Herbal Tea

Did you know that herbal teas may help calm an upset stomach and soothe acid reflux? It's true — some herbal teas can even support overall digestive health.

These can include:

  • Chamomile
  • Ginger
  • Peppermint
  • Lavender
  • Licorice

Try sipping on a cup of herbal tea after meals to help relax the digestive system and soothe any discomfort. Add a spoonful of honey or agave syrup for an extra touch of sweetness.

Whole Grains

Steer clear of white rice and fill up on hearty whole grains.

Some nutritious whole grains include:

  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Barley
  • Brown Rice

They’re also packed with fiber, which can help to keep your digestive system running smoothly while supporting sustained energy throughout the day.

Try adding a few tablespoons of cooked oatmeal or quinoa to your lunch or dinner for an added boost of nutrition. 

Sweet Potatoes

These root vegetables are packed with fiber and complex carbs that can help you feel fuller for longer, making them a great option when it comes to weight management. Plus, they contain a number of essential vitamins and minerals that can help support overall health.

For a quick snack or side dish, try roasting some sweet potatoes in the oven with a touch of olive oil, sea salt, and rosemary. Combine sweet potatoes with other high-fiber foods to increase the fiber content of your meals.


Believe it or not, watermelon is a great source of hydration and is also rich in vitamins A, B6, C, and lycopene. Eating watermelon can help soothe an angry gut and support your digestive system.

Try adding chunks of watermelon to your breakfast bowl or slicing it up and adding it to salads for a refreshing snack. You can also freeze watermelon slices and enjoy them as a delicious treat on hot summer days.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is a superfood that has gained popularity in recent years — and for a good reason. It can help soothe digestive issues while also providing essential minerals. Plus, bone broth is full of electrolytes, which can help with hydration.

Bone broth is easy to make at home by simmering animal bones (chicken, beef, or fish) with veggies, herbs, vinegar, and spices.

Add bone broth to your dinner or lunch for an easy boost of digestive support. You can also make a big batch and freeze it into cubes for convenience. 


Bananas are amazing sources of insoluble and soluble fiber, which helps feed the good bacteria in your gut and keep it balanced. They are also a great source of potassium and magnesium, which can help support digestive health.

Try adding ripe banana slices to your breakfast or smoothies for extra nutrition. You can even mash it up and use it as a natural sweetener in baked goods!

How Else Can You Support Healthy Digestion?

In addition to nourishing your gut with these easy-to-digest foods, there are a few other ways to support your gut.

Here are a few ways you can promote digestion:

  • Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can worsen digestive issues, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Chew your food. Thoroughly chewing your food can help to break it down and make it easier for your body to digest. Aim for at least 20 to 30 chews per bite.
  • Limit dairy products. Dairy products can be difficult to digest and may contribute to digestive issues. Consider limiting your intake or looking for lactose-free alternatives.
  • Practice mindful eating. Eating mindfully can help minimize feelings of stress and support digestion. Take your time and enjoy each meal without any distractions like TV or phones.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise can help keep your digestive system running smoothly by increasing blood flow and promoting regular bowel movements. Try adding 30 minutes of physical activity to your daily routine.
  • Get enough sleep. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night, as lack of rest can put a strain on the gastrointestinal system.
  • Take probiotic supplements. Taking a probiotic supplement may help support the natural balance of bacteria in the gut, which can then support your overall health and well-being. 
  • Talk to a professional. If you’re having a hard time incorporating gut-friendly foods, try enlisting the help of a professional nutritionist or registered dietitian (RDN). These professionals can help you eat the right types of food to support your small and large intestines.

The Bottom Line

Supporting your digestion is an important part of maintaining good health, and eating the right foods can help. Try adding these easy-to-digest foods to your diet and support your gut using our other expert tips.

Here at Love Wellness, we understand the importance of good gut health — that's why we created a line of supplements to support a healthy digestive system. From probiotics to fiber, you can count on us to have what you need to feel your best. 


A Gastroenterologist’s Guide to Probiotics | PMC

The Hidden Health Benefits of Tea | Penn Medicine

The wonders of watermelon | Mayo Clinic Health System

Bone Broth - Healthy? | Sutter Health

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