Soothing the Itch: How To Combat Dry Vaginal Skin

Soothing the Itch: How To Combat Dry Vaginal Skin

If you’re experiencing vaginal dryness, then you know how much it can affect the other areas of your life. And while vaginal dryness may not be a popular topic of conversation, it’s actually quite a common problem, especially among certain age groups.

Still, there are ways to soothe the symptoms of vaginal dryness so that you can stay comfortable and care-free. Let’s dive into what causes dry vaginal skin and what you can do about it.

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What Causes Vaginal Dryness?

One of the most common causes of vaginal dryness is hormonal shifts. For instance, many women experience low estrogen levels during menopause, which can cause both vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy.

But it's not just about age. Many women notice vaginal dryness after childbirth and while breastfeeding when their body is adjusting to different hormone levels. 

Birth control or antidepressants can play a part, too. Also, certain treatments, misguided routines involving douching, and even the soaps you use can be potential culprits.

What Are the Symptoms of Vaginal Dryness?

Vaginal dryness is more common than you might realize. Learning how to spot the signs early on can help you make more informed decisions when it comes to your health and personal care. 

Here’s a breakdown of the symptoms:

  • Tightness and soreness: While we may occasionally experience these temporary discomforts, they become concerning when they don’t go away.
  • Changes in vaginal discharge: Our bodies have rhythms. If your discharge starts to stray from its usual consistency or volume, it's worth paying attention.
  • Painful intercourse: What should be moments of closeness and pleasure can quickly be overshadowed by unexpected pain or irritation.
  • Itchiness: Dry skin can cause excessive itchiness. However, if you’re experiencing itching, it’s important to see a doctor, as it could also be a sign of a yeast infection or vaginitis.
  • Frequent UTIs: If you have pain during urination, a disrupted vaginal environment could be causing your urinary tract infections.
  • Reduced vaginal lubrication: Beyond discomfort, you might notice a decrease in natural lubrication, especially during sexual intercourse.

How Can You Combat Vaginal Dryness?

If you’ve been struggling with vaginal dryness, there are plenty of strategies to help you regain comfort and confidence. 

Here are a few actionable tips to support your vaginal hydration:

  • Stay hydrated: It's not just great for glowing skin — drinking enough water daily is also a great home remedy that can support the moisture levels throughout your body, including the vaginal tissue.
  • Avoid harsh soaps and douching: Many soaps and douching products contain perfumes and surfactants that can strip the skin’s natural oils, worsening dryness. Stick to gentle, fragrance-free cleansers, like our pH Balancing Cleanser, which is specially formulated for the vaginal area.
  • Mind the medications: Some medications, like certain types of birth control and antidepressants, can also contribute to vaginal dryness. Always chat with your healthcare provider about potential side effects.
  • Moisturize the right way: Our Comfy Cream™ is a lotion formulated with ingredients specifically tailored for the vulva. This vaginal moisturizer gently soothes dry skin without upsetting the delicate balance down there.*
  • Opt for water-based lubricants: For those intimate moments, a quality water-based lubricant can be a game-changer. 
  • Be clothing-conscious: Tight clothing or synthetic fabrics can affect ventilation, causing more discomfort. Instead, opt for breathable cotton, especially when it comes to underwear, to allow the vaginal area some much-needed breathing room.
  • Foreplay is your friend: Before diving into sexual activity, make sure you get enough foreplay. This can not only boost arousal but also encourage natural vaginal lubrication, which can make the experience more comfortable.
  • Stay informed: Make sure you attend your regularly scheduled checkups with your OB/GYN in order to stay informed about your health.
  • Dietary considerations: Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish may help support skin hydration. Flaxseeds, walnuts, and fish oil supplements are other great ways to get more omega-3s in your diet. 

Remember, everyone is unique. What works wonders for one person might not work for another. Listen to your body, stay informed, and don't hesitate to seek guidance when in doubt. 

When Should You Seek Medical Advice?

Navigating the ins and outs of vaginal health can be a journey. While many of the symptoms of vaginal dryness are manageable at home, there are times when you might want to consult a professional. 

Here are a few signs it’s time to call the gynecologist:

  • Persistent symptoms: If the dryness, soreness, or discomfort continues despite trying over-the-counter solutions, it might be time to see what’s causing the issue.
  • Menopausal symptoms: if you’re experiencing hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms that are affecting your quality of life, you may want to talk about medical solutions with your doctor.
  • Infections and complications: Frequent yeast infections or changes in the vaginal walls can indicate more than just dryness. If you notice abnormal vaginal discharge or other unusual symptoms, it’s worth getting a professional opinion.
  • Painful intercourse: If sexual activity becomes painful or if you experience soreness afterward, it's important to discuss this with a healthcare provider. 
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle: While the ovaries and menstrual cycle might seem unrelated to dryness, significant shifts in your cycle can hint at broader hormonal changes that might be affecting your vaginal lubrication.

Seeking medical advice is about prioritizing your health, understanding your body, and making informed choices for your comfort and well-being. Don't hesitate to lean on your women’s health practitioner for guidance. A little conversation today can pave the way for a comfortable tomorrow.

Wrapping It Up

Vaginal dryness is a shared experience for many. It's a facet of women's health that should be embraced with understanding and proactive care. After all, life's too short for unnecessary discomfort or silent suffering. 

At Love Wellness, we're deeply committed to encouraging conversations that uplift, inform, and support women because everyone deserves to feel their best every day, inside and out. Remember, being in tune with your body’s signals can help you have more targeted and empowering conversations with the professionals around you.


Changes in Hormone Levels, Sexual Side Effects of Menopause | The North American Menopause Society

Don't ignore vaginal dryness and pain | Harvard Health

Hormone Replacement Therapy - StatPearls -| NCBI Bookshelf

Recurrent Yeast Infections | Baylor Medicine

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