Can't Sleep During Period: 10 Tips To Sleep Better

Can't Sleep During Period: 10 Tips To Sleep Better

Are you having trouble sleeping during your period? Many women find it difficult to get a good night's sleep when they are menstruating due to cramps, bloating, and other discomforts. 

Fortunately, there are some tips that can help you get the restful sleep you need during this time each month. But first, let’s dive into what causes these sleeping issues in the first place.

What Causes Trouble Sleeping During Your Period?

Throughout your menstrual cycle, it’s normal to see hormonal fluctuations. While estrogen is in charge of the first half of your cycle, called the follicular phase, progesterone is the star of the other half, called the luteal phase.

As you approach your period, your hormone levels begin to change. Progesterone levels tend to rise, while estrogen tends to drop. Right before you start your period, these hormones drop significantly. It is these hormonal changes that cause many menstrual symptoms like sleep issues, mood swings, breast tenderness, and cramps.

But how can this affect your sleep? As progesterone rises, it can also:

  • Raise your body temperature 
  • Cause bloating 
  • Lead to cramping 

Meanwhile, estrogen affects your sleep-wake cycle and promotes sleep quality. As estrogen levels drop, sleep problems may arise.

Most women experience this, and to some extent, these sleep disturbances are normal. However, if you experience intense menstrual symptoms and your quality of life is impacted by poor sleep before or during your period, it’s time to talk to a healthcare professional.

Heavy periods and debilitating premenstrual symptoms are all signs of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). A women’s health doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives or sleep medicine to help your disturbed sleep patterns.

How Can You Sleep Better While on Your Period?

Here are 10 of the most effective strategies for getting a better night's rest when you're on your period. 

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body any time of the month, but it's especially beneficial when you're on your period. A regular exercise routine can help soothe bloating, alleviate cramps, and even support your mood. Plus, regular exercise can also improve the quality of your sleep

2. Use Heat

Applying heat directly to the abdominal area can help relieve cramps and other PMS symptoms associated with your cycle. Try using a heating pad or taking a warm bath before bedtime to help relax tense muscles and promote sleepiness.

3. Have a Regular Bedtime Routine

Establishing regular sleep habits can help signal to both your mind and body that it's time for rest. Your sleep schedule might include taking a shower before bed or reading for 15 minutes prior to dozing off.

4. Avoid Eating Before Bed

Eating late at night can interfere with digestion and make it harder for you to fall asleep quickly; plus, certain types of food (like those high in sugar or fat) have been linked with worsening PMS symptoms. So try to avoid eating anything within two hours of bedtime if possible — this can help you digest so that you won't feel uncomfortable lying down afterward.

5. Take Supplements

Certain supplements can be helpful in promoting better sleep during menstruation cycles; these include magnesium (which helps relax tense muscles) and melatonin (which helps regulate our circadian rhythms). In fact, magnesium and melatonin work so well in supporting a good night's rest that we actually use them in Sleeping Beauty

These natural ingredients work together to help relax and calm your mind so you can fall into a restful slumber, leaving you drowsy-free the next day.* Simply take one or two capsules an hour before bedtime, slip on your Love Wellness Sleep Mask, and enjoy your sleep. 

6. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation help us to reduce feelings of stress so that we're more likely to feel sleepy at bedtime. This is particularly important when we're dealing with menstrual discomfort throughout the day. 

Spend 10 to 15 minutes practicing relaxation exercises before going to bed each night during your cycle. This can help you take advantage of your natural circadian rhythm in order to achieve optimal restfulness.

7. Make Your Bedroom Comfortable

Creating a comfortable environment to sleep in can also go a long way towards helping you fall asleep easier — especially during your time of the month. 

Practice good sleep hygiene habits like:

  • Adjusting the temperature
  • Making sure your bed is comfortable and supportive
  • Keeping your room dark
  • Limiting loud noises as much as possible

8. Get Enough Sunlight

Exposure to natural sunlight helps regulate our internal sleep cycle, so it's important to get enough sunlight during the day if you want to be able to fall asleep at night. Try heading outside in the morning or early afternoon for a few minutes each day — just make sure to wear sunscreen! 

9. Soothe Your Cramps

If cramps and irritability are keeping you from your slumber, we recommend #MoodPills — a feel-good supplement that offers total cycle support and PMS relief.* 

Our formula can help with occasional stress, frustration, and irritability thanks to vitamin B6, GABA, organic St. John's Wort, and organic chasteberry.* Just take one capsule twice a day to give your body the support it needs.

10. Talk To Your Doctor

If you're still having trouble sleeping during your period, you should talk with your doctor about what else might be causing your sleeplessness. They can help you diagnose any underlying conditions and provide additional advice on how to get better rest during this time of the month! 

The Bottom Line

If you're having trouble sleeping during your period every month, these tips can help get you back on track. From exercising regularly to taking supplements like Sleeping Beauty or practicing relaxation techniques, there are many ways that we can support our quality of sleep during that time of the month.

With just a few simple changes, achieving better rest should become easier over time.

For more health tips and tricks from the experts at Love Wellness, visit our blog. Additionally, browse our selection of health supplements to support your overall wellness.


Exercise and Insomnia: Can Physical Activity Combat Insomnia? | The National Sleep Foundation

How sugar affects your period | Nutritionist Resource

Relaxation Exercises to Help Fall Asleep | The National Sleep Foundation

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