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Acne Remedies You Should Know

Acne Remedies You Should Know

– Post by Love Wellness Advisor: Dr. Francis. Join the discussion and read more on The Love Club


Acne is one of the most common skin conditions I treat and can be caused by a variety of factors, such as hormone imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, bacteria or skin infections, stress, and toxins. Because the skin is an organ of detoxification, it’s not surprising that when your body is toxic and out of balance, your skin will let you know. Try my Backstage Alternatives to reduce redness, inflammation, breakouts, and other skin issues.

Nourish and Hydrate. Eat foods that clear skin and prevent recurrence like dark leafy greens, yellow veggies for vitamin A, and garlic and onion for antibiotic power. Eliminate all white sugar, white flour, hydrogenated fats, cow’s milk, alcohol, and soft drinks. Be sure to drink 8–10 glasses of water daily to flush toxins and keep cells functioning optimally.

Supplement. If you’re not already taking a food-based multivitamin and mineral supplement, add one daily plus: flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon daily); a probiotic supplement with Lactobacillus acidophilus (daily, per bottle instructions); and vitamins A (25,000 IU daily), E (400 IU daily), and D3 (1,000 IU daily).

Treat. There are many alternative treatments that help clear and prevent acne, including: weekly acupuncture facials; monthly organic cleaning facials; tea tree oil, a natural antibiotic, applied directly on acne; and argan oil, used a.m. and p.m. as a moisturizer, antibacterial agent, and anti-inflammatory (my favorite brand is Moroccan Elixir Ageless Face Oil, because it contains added essential oils to combat aging).

I also recommend: cleansing and toning morning and night using an organic and natural product without petrochemicals; exercising 15–20 minutes daily to regulate hormones and expel dirt from pores when you sweat; and meditating 10–15 minutes per day minimum to relieve stress and balance hormones.

With love,

Dr. G



The Rockstar Remedy

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